Monday, February 27, 2006

This is really happening!

Preventative Measures for the Effects of Global WarmingThis is really happening, and i dont care what U.S. "think tanks" have to say about it. Global Warming is a serious issue, and i want to be ready. Santiago Chile is 11, 810.24661070742 kilometers straight ahead of me from Surfers Paradise Australia. (Refer to photo posted above). Now when global warming is fully realized, it may be too late. We'll start to know its real when the earth's temperature gets too high and creates a giant cloud around the earth. This cloud will prevent any of the sun's heat to penetrate the earth's surface. It'll get cold, we'll get an ice age. The surface of the Pacific Ocean will freeze at 28.6 degrees farenheit, or -2 degrees celcius. (I hope i've done my math correctly). When this happens, due to a lack of oil supply and depleted energy sources, our only means of travel may be by the dogsled. The average speed of a dog sled for long distances ranges from 16-22km's per hour. At this rate I should make it to Santiago Chile in 536 hours. Hope you're ready for it too.
Wish me luck!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mush Mush...!!!

Wait a sec... are you worried about the northward advancement of glacial ice sheets from Antarctica....because if that's what you're fleeing, going along the same line of lattitude to Chille will not save you.... You'd have to go northward to the equator to avoid the ice cheets from the arctic and the antarctic.... just a thought.

9:46 AM  
Blogger zubin said...

initially i would have to use those ice sheets to my advantage in my efforts to move eastward. the only way i can cross the ocean is through the ice, therefor i need the ice. once i reached the great coasts of south america i would travel northward by land, gradually getting to where there are fewer ice sheets.

11:01 AM  

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