Monday, January 23, 2006

sunny and 30 degrees chance of an afternoon thundershower

hello friends. i come from a land down under (just like the song goes). yes yes, cheesy. uhm, its hot here and i've been keeping busy. i've succumbed to my biggest fear - getting a cell phone. it happened. i dont have a number yet, it gets activated tomorow. i've been playing tennis and went up to my campus. i've been doing a lot of thinking and little bit of writing. i've been adjusting to the time change. i wake up at 6am everyday. the place im staying at is frigin beautiful. 7kms to the city and i have a BEAUTIFUL view of the city from my cousins house. being treated really well by them. i'll be posting pics and writing more when i get a proper internet situation. i've dropped some people some lines already through msn, and email. nice to here from the northern hemisphere. im at a net cafe right now and theres a fly buzzing around my head. vultures circling the dead. cross that one out.
i hope i dont develop an aussie accent, however, they're damn funny.
peace out, zube tube.


Blogger zubin said...

theres some dogs across the street from my cousins house, and i've officially labelled them the dingos. as far as babies go, i'll take extra precaution to preserve their safety. damn dingos always eating the damn babies.

4:14 PM  

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