Sunday, January 15, 2006

Less than 24 Hours Before I Leave

So here i am; the majority of my packing done, waiting, thinking, dreaming of what is to come next. Lots and lots of different things going through my head. This week, as i discussed with Kris, has had a feeling of its own. A feeling that broke the routine feelings that you feel on regular weeks. It wasnt a regular week though. A lot of goodbyes have been said, with a few hard ones yet to come. It's going to be tough. I dont think i have yet grasped the fact that it is going to be blazing hot down there, it's gonna hit me. Actually i feel like a lot of things are gonna hit me. Im ready for the punch. I cant say enough about the way my friends have been supportive of me leaving. Words cant do justice to how its made me feel.

Learning to Fly

I've been thinking about something. I thought of it before i was drunk on Friday night, but i thought about it again when i was drunk at the end of the night, and then now im thinking of it again and it still makes sense. It's about being in a place of tight confinement. I think it's a good place to be in order to search for liberty. Freedom is most revealing when you're in a position not to enjoy it. Time and time again you hear about criminals in jail finding god or a multitude of other completely liberating concepts, that perhaps they would not have found if they were free like you and me. This is the essence of learning how to fly.


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