Monday, February 06, 2006

damn categorization of words

some professors beleive the best way to interpret words is to package them into neat little categories. manipulate the words so it fits nicely into a little box. im mad. as a soldier of the english language i plan to fight this injustice. im back to save the universe!
made me remember something i wrote once:

you jumbled up the words
you made a real big mess
now its time to come and clean it up
we'll allow him to do the rest

picking away at the foundations
deconstructing the borders
finding the world outside
behind your rules and your orders

hope you're enjoying your classes fellas. just something to stop and think about for 2.5 seconds. peace!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Z, glad to see you got this Zublog deal going.

I don't talk to you as much as I'd like to, including the weekend before you left, but it's good to hear from you even if its in a blogcast like this one.

We'll have to catch up some time on msn or via email or skype or something. I'm glad you're loving life on that side of the world though. Keep posting pics every now and again as well, you know, for the kids.

Peace man

10:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...the inspiring and insightful words that make someone want to change the world. With you gone zubin its like a broken spoke in the wheel, I keep rolling but its not as smooth. I miss you. Keep on keepin' on. You're too big to be inside the box...
Have fun Zubin

Your Friend Mike (Patterson)

1:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sandeep- yeah man, its been quite a while since we last talked. nice to hear from you. we definately need a little catch up. we'll have to catch eachother in one of the few times of day when we're both awake! as for skype, i dont know if that'll be happening, because i dont know what that is. the pics will definately keep coming, the kids need it.

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

patterson- thanks for the support. i've been missing people too, but i havent been missing everyone in the sense that i feel hopeless and sad. its more of a happy thing, i think of the good times and have a little chuckle. its nice. i like missing you guys. i only wish i could carry you guys around in my pocket and experience the last few weeks with me, its been amazing. the last week ive been riding on a high of confidence and accomplishment. it feels good. hope to talk to ya soon.

9:56 PM  

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