Sunday, February 05, 2006

...soaring to new heights...

a quick opening:
hey everyone, im gonna start this post off by letting everyone know that im doing absolutely great. Since last friday i think i hit a real high point, probably not the highest that its gonna get, but i feel good. im meeting a hell of a lot of people. im going to categorize this post for organization purposes. dont want it to feel too jumbled.

meeting people:
i've met a lot of people (like i just said) . now i dont really like to beleive that there is bad people out there, but with some people you just know within the first 10 minutes if theyre someone who you can see yourself chilling with or not. a lot of the people here do seem to be here for partying, but there are also some people here for more than that. ive made some friends, but only one stands out as a true friend at this point. jeff has been in sydney for 2 years already and decided to do teaching. he's into a lot of the same stuff that im into. recording, audio equipment, guitars, art, music etc. he's had a lot of experiences that i can probably gain from as a friend. i was thinkin about friendship a bit and i think i may have mentioned something to patterson about it once. its about having friends and gaining things from them. well not gaining, but more of an exchange. you learn from your friends and and the exchange that takes place hopefully makes two "fuller" and more enlightened people. thats part of what friends are to me. so thank you friends for teaching me a few things.

the pretty stuff:
its frigin hot here. im sitting here right now without a shirt on with a layer of stickyness on me. you gotta take at LEAST two showers a day cuz its so hot. on friday our class got let out early and so i went downtown with jeff. we walked around for many hours. chinatown, indian stores, chinese stores, thrift shops, electronics. you name it and we went there. we were searching for "the valley". some of the brisbane friends may know of this place already. its supposedly the alternative culture place of brisbane. the kensington market of brisbane. now, when i got there, i noticed right away that it has NOTHING on kensington market. but im a bit bias, kensington is one of my favourite places on the planet. please keep goin there andrew and kris, and evoke that spirit of diversity which the place always evokes in me. im gonna miss not being able to go there for a year. but back to the valley, its not too bad. they have some bars that play some drumn bass, some house and all that funky stuff which i happen to love. theyve got some live bands there too, and you guys definately know im into that. i never shut up about seeing a live act do i? the city is beautiful, very progressive. its on a river and the sun is shining most of the time. theres a lot of hills too which makes it unique. they have a ferry for public transit. its a pretty cool boat too. i was walking home to my room a few nights ago and i was a little tipsy. i almost stepped on a bigg ass spider. it was a ground spider too so he probably woulda messed me up a bit.

the diving board:
i've hit a real high. i feel really good right now. the best ive felt since i got here. i feel very independant. i make my own choices and my own moves. if i mess up, i pay for it myself. there is a humbling feeling in that. i hope the winter blues isnt eating you guys to pieces right now. it would have been hitting me if i was there. eat your green veggies, i think thats one way to beat them. high in vitamin b. i've been talking to people with some frequency, and andrew even said its almost like im still there. which i think is kinda cool. in todays world it should be impossible to lose touch with someone. this is dragging on too far now. dont worry guys, it'll be summer there soon enough. oh oh, and someone send some pics if you get the chance. i wanna see what you guys have been up to on the weekends. ok, thats about it. its satisfying to know theres people on the other side of the planet thinking about me and supporting me, and i know this blog can be a bit impersonal, but to each friend reading this, i can honestly say i've thought about each and every single one of you. either something has reminded me of you or something has popped up in my mind to lead me to think of you. often times it has brought a smile to my face, and maybe even a little chuckle to myself. its quite nice. so yah, theres someone thinkink of/ supporting you too on the other side of the world (me). k, keep in touch. bye now. hope those words dont turn to drivel because they seem pretty honest right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Zee, Well i know i talked to you the other day, But i am glad to hear that you are settling in. Tonight is the big game (superbowl) ill throw a few chears for seatle in there for ya.
Well just wanted to say hey and hope things get even better for you and like everyone else we are all suppostive of what you are doing. And oh ya i forgot to tell u the other day you won me $72 at the casino a couple of weekends ago, i put 2 $1 chips on 26 for you (in roulette) and it hit. Thanks buddy,
K well hopefully i'll ttysoon

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is absolutely sick aboutn putting the chips on 26. you know im getting a cut of that when i get back right? maybe i should try putting a couple on 17 next time i check out a casino.. which will be my first time gambling in a proper casino. definately will put something down on 17. good too see your luck is up dan. check ya later.

4:37 PM  

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