Saturday, June 03, 2006

teaching halfway point up and coming adventures and some pictures

A Small Apology

Long time no post. I'm sorry for that. I havent forgotten about this, and I havent been uninspired. I dont have an excuse really. It's just something that's been pushed aside, but only temporarily.


I've been teaching for about 2 weeks now at a primary school called Robertson State School. It's a primary school which goes up to grade 7. I have a very bright and intelligent grade 7 class, and a wonderful mentor teacher who gives me amazing tips and feedback. She has 19 years of experience under her belt, so I feel prety fortunate to learn from someone who knows what their doing. She puts on the act of being the "bitch" teacher. And she does it well. I've learned a lot from her about how to discipline kids.

I started off a little shaky, but I have definately felt my confidence improve by the day. I've been doing lessons on English grammar, poetry writing, and descriptive writing. Also I've been teaching the Australian Parliament and Government to them. I've been having to learn as I go. It's a lot of fun, and the kids make me laugh on a daily basis. I thoroughly enjoy working with them. Even though this does mean constant behavioural management. I've had kids leave in tears on some days, whereas on other days I get the most enthusiastic "Bye, Mr.Gandhi! See you monday!" "bye mr.Gandhi, have a good weekend". It's really really nice when you know you've made a connection with a student. I've chosen the right profession, and if you want to hear some of the funny stories from so far, I'd be glad to share them further in conversation.

Halfway point

The halfway point of my journey is soon approaching. It's flown by, and to neglect thinking about this would be missing an amazing opportunity to reflect on how I've changed as a person. This is hard to talk about too, because I dont want to indulge in all this "feel good" type of stuff. I want to know how I've changed, and be objective about it. I dont want to get bogged down in feelings just yet, because it aint over yet.

The first half of the journey has taught me many great lessons. I've learned how to cook (to a certain extent), I've held my artistic peak for about 9 months (and it isn't about to end), I've gained a lot of self-confidence, I've become a better public speaker, my opinions and ideas have become more clear and developed.

Up and Coming Adventures

Going to New Zealand on the 14th of June. Starting in Christchurch on the South Island, and then working my way up north eventually to leave Auckland by July 5th. On July 5th I'll be heading over to Fiji.

So I'm hoping this lag of the journey fulfils one of the reasons that I came to this part of the world. To get an understanding about who I am, where I come from, and where I fit in (in terms of family). I'm planning to visit a lot of places, and I hope to come to a new understanding of what life was like for my dad growing up. I want to know about why they ended up in Fiji, and i want to learn something about what type of people i come from. This is all very important to me because I hope it will solve some of the fundamental identity issues I've had while growing up. I'll probably come away with more questions than anything though.

And Some Pictures...

Oscar, Me, and Sebastian. (Maverick the pilot in the back)

I fled to higher ground to watch the city drown.
Apparition of the flood coming in.
High waters rising. Rising.

Little jam session at the Ryan and Company household.
Anyone need a laptop?

Oscar, me , and Sebastian performing Sebastian's copywritten dance move.
(without Maverick the pilot.)

Good people of Brisbane: Oscar (Dr.Orsag) and Natasha.

Big Sebastian and Little Yanic.

Austrian girl, Sebastian, Yanic and Me
at a very European oriented party which involved
Salsa music.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Zubin. I just talked to you two nights ago and I am really glad to hear that things are going as well as they are. I guess I just wanted to take this oppertunity to tell you that over the past 4 years or so I have been exposed to a variety of different web blogs and I have to say that none of them to this point of exemplified the extensive thought and honesty that yours does. It makes it much easy for us over here to put ourselves in your shoes. Keep up the good work.


2:00 PM  

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