Tuesday, March 21, 2006

the poison (mindless millions)

it's creeping up your TV screen
and at the nearby cinema
it's around the corner from where you live
at your brand-new shopping centre.

when they come for you like they usually do
will you put up a fight?
or will you sit blank with the mindless millions
at the local pub this saturday night?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zubin and his poetry.
So i'm a little doped up on tylenol 3s due to my wisdom teeth being in massive amounts of pain, and I thought it was about time I left a comment. It relates directly to a reading I just finished for a medieval history class. I thought you (Zubin) might appreciate it. Here goes the quote(s):
"The poets have many wise and useful things to say about life and how it should be lived; in them are to be found the principle causes of nature and birth - the seeds as it were, of all teachings - by their antiquity and their reputation for wisdom they possess a high authority, by their elegance they have acquired a splendor and a distinction, by their nobility and liberality they have so far made themselves a worthy study for free men, that he who knows them not seems to be something of a rustic..." , "It is needful to read and comprehend a great deal, and to bestow great pains on the philosophers, the poets, the orators and historians and all the other writers..." , "Literary skill without knowledge is useless and sterile; and knowledge, however extensive, fades into the shadows without the glorious lamp of literature." This was written by Leonardi Bruni in 1424, and I thought that it was extremely relevant in today's age with regards to politics, history, and literature. Just something to think about I guess...
Oh, and Zubin, the leafs are absolutely useless and they won't be making the playoffs this year.
Your buddy, Todd

2:59 PM  
Blogger zubin said...

hey slater
thanks for the post man. made my day to hear someone taking an interest in anything medieval!! thats awesome man, thanks for the quotes too. you're right about their relevance today. in a world spinning out of control we must look to the poets and thinkers to help us gain a steady footing. in a world tainted by extremism, it is up to the poets and thinkers to help us find a balance. hope all is well. good luck on your exams.
from your thinking partner (and sometimes adversary),
take care bro...

12:25 AM  

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