Monday, April 24, 2006


dont know if anyone will get what im talking about. some pictures of Syndey coming up soon, just feeling a little enthusiastic about these words so bare with me. it's my tribute to robert frost. let me know if you get it. thanks.


Going down a paved road
knowing it was once dirt;
a traveler must keep in mind
the road is refined by layers of work.

A road being made has no boundaries;
up, down, side-to-side, hidden and uncovered.
Footstepping is a troublesome task;
how grave it is to blunder.

But boundaries are made to be destroyed.
And roads made to be remade.
Footstepping is a pointless task,
but it's tough to find a gravel path.

Although footsteping can consume a life,
and cause much pain and grief and strife,
footstepping can also be undone
on a journey towards the setting sun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your brand of blogging Zubin, it is both entertaining and inspiring. I wish I could step into your mind. We miss you and everything that you offer to this world.

Peace from the East (or West depending on which way you decide to look)
Your freind Mike AKA Patterson

2:46 PM  
Blogger zubin said...

hey man, thanks for the comments. seems like nobodys really into giving the words a shot. ah well, at least they make sense to me. 'footstepping' has a lot to do with the ways that most of the time our path has been laid out for us. and how it's really difficult to make your own path, especially when you've been going down the easy path for most of your life. as pink floyd would put it, its about
"trading cold comfort for change. exchanging a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage."

but, mike, thanks for at least commenting something.. i thought you guys were gonna hang me out to dry with my words just dangling there like laundry hanging outside waiting for everyone to have their own little poke. glad to see you're interested in my blog. thats what i try to do..make it interesting. not quite sure what you guys wanna see more of? gonna put up some pics soon. working on a couple tunes at the moment, in the middle of a minor writing explosion. working on something called "the bloodsuckers". it's in the same vein as "creatures of the moon".. sure you remember that one. anyways, thanks again for posting. keep on rocking in the free world. and do-do-dolo-do??????????

12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this post works, i'm not really familiar with this stuff. But here we go.

Man I really hate conversing online like this but this poem really caught my attention. After reading it, the words and imagery you used really brought meaning to the message you were trying to prevail (wich i think you're trying to say that people should take their own path even though easier paths are created for them...) someting along those lines. (i was never the greatest wmail writer). But I guess I will use this time to say that I can sense that you (Zubin) have grown and changed after reading your blogs. I feel you have became more articulate and passionate about life and learning as a whole and it is pleasing to read what you have to say because you keep things interesting through your writing. Writing and communicating is really difficult through a blog space and you've done really well to say what you have to say through it so thumbs up to you man. This is one of the first times i've been online in a while so that is my thoughts on this site and your poem. Keep up the good work and watch out for animals.

I'm gonna put on a iron/ironed shirt and chase satan out of earth!!


10:44 PM  

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